Posts Tagged ‘ buckshot ’

Range Report 04-10-2010

Went out to the range after my daughter’s birthday party with some guys from work. I took out my Saiga-12, Remmington 417, Glock 19, and 1911.

I am absolutely amazed with how accurate that old Remington is. It’s just a single shot bolt action .22 but could change a gnat’s religion at 25 yards. I was just shooting it standing off-hand for fun and was able to hit 2″ steel circels with boring regularity. Nothing overly special about this old gun but is just lots of fun and cheap to shoot.

Nothing new to report with the Glock or the 1911. I only had about 50 rounds for each of them and have no problems to report, they just work.

Now for the really fun part.
I had picked up some 12 gauge magnum buckshots shells along with some rifled slugs to try out. These were the first powerful loads I have fired from the Saiga, I have only fired cheap birdshot in it up to this point. So I adjusted the gas system for the more powerful shells, loaded a mag and we were off to the races. The Saiga loved the hotter loads. There is just something fun about unloading 5 rifled slugs into an old freezer as fast as you can. The slugs left some pretty impressive entry wounds into this old freezer but what really got everyone’s attention was the exit holes. The pic was the back of the freezer with my buddy’s big ol’ meat hooks he calls hands. Definetly good times.

Keep up the good fight